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Software Distributor Administration Guide: HP-UX 11i v1, 11i v2, and 11i v3 > Chapter 10 Creating Software Packages

Overview of the Packaging Process


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To help you distribute software from depots, Software Distributor lets you package software into SD-UX format. The packaging process lets you create depots directly or create packages that you can add to depots later. The packaging specification is flexible enough to fit many software build and manufacturing process needs.

The packaging process consists of the following tasks:

  1. Identifying the package.

    Determine what files and directories you want to include in your software package, and determine product structure. Your software package can consist of files, filesets, subproducts, products, and bundles.

  2. Write control scripts (optional).

    You can write control scripts and include them in your package. These scripts let you perform additional checks and operations beyond those supported by SD-UX.

  3. Create a Product Specification File (PSF) to define the product package.

  4. Create the software package by running the swpackage command.

    The swpackage command reads the PSF file, analyzes the product definitions, and packages the source files and information into product objects. It then creates and inserts the product into the distribution depot.


Before you begin packaging software, ensure the following:

  • SD-UX is installed and configured on the system where you intend to create your software package.

  • The software to package is installed on the packaging system, or that the necessary files are available remotely.

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