The default configuration of nonprivileged mode
is to have a central location for user-installed software catalogs.
When the run_as_superuser option is false and the admin_directory option is not set, SD-UX logfiles and installed software catalogs
are stored in user-specific directories at /var/home/USER_NAME/sw (where USER_NAME is replaced by the invoking
user name).
Putting logfiles and installed software catalog
in a central location avoids problems when users install software
on the system outside of their home directories and user home directories
are NFS mounted across many systems.
You can enable nonprivileged mode for all users
by setting the run_as_superuser option
to false in /var/adm/sw/defaults.
Individual users can override the default chosen
by the system administrator, by setting the run_as_superuser option to true or false in their $HOME/.swdefaults file or on the command line.