- u_name
This is the user name for the account which must match the name of the file
and the user name from the corresponding
- u_id
This is the user ID for the account which must match the user id field of the
- u_pwd
This field contains the encrypted password for the account if the account
has a password.
- u_owner
This field contains the owner of the account.
- u_booauth
If this field exists and contains a value greater than zero (typically 1),
and the boot authenticate flag is set in the system default file, then
this user has authority to boot the system.
If the boot authenticate flag
is not set in the system default file then this field is not used.
- u_audid
This field contains the audit ID for the user.
- u_auditflag
This field contains the audit flag for the user.
- u_minchg
This field specifies the minimum password change time in seconds.
If non-zero,
the password cannot be changed until the specified number of seconds since the
last successful password change have passed unless the person changing the
password is authorized to override this constraint.
- u_maxlen
This field specifies the maximum length for system-generated
passwords. It should be less than the system-wide maximum value
defined by the
- u_exp
This field is a
value that specifies when the account password will
When a password expires, system authentication programs will request
that the password be changed when the user logs into the system.
If the password
lifetime expires before the password is changed, the account will be locked.
- u_life
This field is a
value that specifies the lifetime of a password.
If this time is reached, the account will be locked and can only be unlocked
by an authorized system administrator.
- u_succhg
This field is a
value that indicates the time of the last
successful password change.
This field should only be set by programs that
can be used to change the account password.
- u_unsucchg
This field is a
value that indicates the time of the last
unsuccessful password change.
This field should only be set by programs that
can be used to change the account password.
- u_acct_expire
This field is the
time in seconds that the account will be
After this time interval the user will no longer be allowed to
This field is different from the
field in that the
field is the time from the last password change.
is not affected by the changing of the password.
- u_llogin
This value, in seconds, is the maximum time allowed between logins.
If the time between the
last login and the current time exceeds this value, the account is locked
and the user can no longer logon.
- u_pw_expire_warning
This value, in seconds, is the time at which a warning will appear
prior to the expiration
of the user's password.
- u_pickpw
This value is a flag that controls the ability of the user to pick a password
for the account.
This permits an account to be configured so that a user can
not pick a password but instead has a password generated by the system for the
- u_genpwd
This flag field controls the ability of a user to generate a password for the
The system is capable of generating passwords containing random letters,
characters, or words.
- u_restrict
This flag field controls whether password triviality checks are performed on
any user chosen passwords.
Triviality checks performed include verifying that
the password does not represent a login or group name, a palindrome, or a
word recognized by the
- u_nullpw
This flag controls the ability of the user to choose a null password for
the account.
- u_pwchanger
This field records the user id of the last person to change the account
password if that user was not the same as the account's user.
This is used to
warn the user at login time if the account password has been changed possibly
without the knowledge of the user.
- u_pw_admin_num
This field holds the random number the user must supply to login after
the account is reset by the system administrator.
This field is removed
after a successful login.
- u_genchars
This flag field controls the ability of the user to generate random characters
for a password.
- u_genletters
This flag field controls the ability of the user to generate random letters
for a password.
- u_tod
This field contains a comma separated list of time-of-day specification entries
that controls when the user account can be used for login.
- u_suclog
This field is a
value that contains the system time of the last
successful login to the account.
- u_unsuclog
This field is a
value that contains the system time of the last
unsuccessful login to the account.
- u_suctty
This field is a character string that identifies the name of the terminal
or remote host
associated with the last successful login to the account.
A remote host specification consists of the
representation of the Internet
address of the host.
This field is converted into an Internet address and is
converted to a hostname using
- u_numunsuclog
This field contains a count of the number of unsuccessful login attempts to
the account.
This field is reset when a successful login to the account occurs.
- u_unsuctty
This field is a character string that identifies the name of the terminal
or remote host
associated with the last unsuccessful login attempt to the account.
- u_maxtries
This field specifies the maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful login
attempts to the account that are permitted until the account is locked.
- u_lock
This flag field is used to administratively lock an account.
A user cannot
login to a locked account.