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HP-UX Reference > Part I Section 1: User Commands



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tabs(1) - set tabs on a terminal
tail(1) - deliver the last part of a file
talk(1) - talk to another user
tar(1) - tape file archiver
tbl(1) - format tables for nroff
tcpdchk(1) - check tcp wrapper configuration
tcpdmatch(1) - evaluate tcp wrapper service requests
tee(1) - pipe fitting to copy standard output to file
telnet(1) - user interface to the TELNET protocol
test(1) - condition evaluation command
tftp(1) - trivial file transfer program
time(1) - time a command
timex(1) - time a command; report process data and system activity
top(1) - display and update information about the top processes on the system
touch(1) - update access, modification, and/or change times of file
tput(1) - query terminfo database
tr(1) - translate characters
true(1) - return exit status zero or one respectively
tryfrom(1) - utility programs for TCP Wrappers
tset(1) - terminal-dependent initialization
tsm(1) - Terminal Session Manager
tsm.command(1) - send commands to the Terminal Session Manager, TSM
tsm.info(1) - get Terminal Session Manager state information
tsort(1) - topological sort
tty(1) - get the name of the terminal
ttytype(1) - terminal identification program
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