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HP-UX Reference > S![]() scsimgr(1M)HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007 |
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NAMEscsimgr — SCSI management and diagnostic utility SYNOPSIS/usr/sbin/scsimgr [-fpv] command [-d driver] [identifier] [keyword]... [argument]... /usr/sbin/scsimgr [-h] [-d driver] [command] DESCRIPTIONscsimgr performs management and diagnostic operations on the SCSI objects and subsystems. SCSI objects are identified by either their hardware path, character Device Special File (DSF), or their class and instance number. These are typically visible in the output of ioscan(1M). SCSI objects are typically a single LUN (logical unit number), LUN path, target path, HBA controller, or a group of these. The SCSI object is specified as an identifier in the command line. A SCSI subsystem is typically the SCSI services module, a SCSI class driver, or a SCSI interface (also known as I/F) driver. scsimgr provides generic management and diagnostic capabilities for the SCSI subsystem as well as specific management and diagnostic capabilities for SCSI class drivers or SCSI interface drivers through plug-ins provided by these drivers. Refer to the respective manpages of the scsimgr driver plug-ins for detailed description of commands and other functions specific to that driver. The manpages of driver plug-ins are in section 7, and are of the form: scsimgr_driver where driver is the name of the driver. For example scsimgr_esdisk(7) is the manpage of the scsimgr plug-in for the esdisk driver. A SCSI subsystem may maintain a set of attributes. An attribute is a data value associated with either the SCSI subsystem, a set of SCSI objects, or a single instance of a SCSI object. It has a name, a data type, and may have one or more value instances: current (run-time value), saved (value in a persistent store), and default. An attribute can be read-only or read-write. Read-only attributes are global or per-object instance information that can be queried individually through their name. Saved and default values are irrelevant for such attributes. Read-write (or settable) attributes are tunables. Users or user applications can change their current or saved values. The saved value is used to set the current value of the attribute at system boot or other re-initialization points. When no saved value exists, the default value is used to set the current value. Attributes can be generic or driver specific. Generic attributes do not depend on a class or an interface driver. They are described in this manpage. Driver specific attributes are maintained by a class or an interface driver. They are described in the respective manpages of the driver plug-ins for scsimgr. To ease management, adapt to various resource conditions, and increase the interoperability and reliability of the SCSI stack, settable attributes can be defined at various scopes or levels:
When the change to the current value of an attribute takes effect depends on the level or scope where the change is performed. Change of an attribute at a global or intermediate levels (such as, device type and vendor id) will not affect existing objects until an event requiring re-initialization of the object occurs. For instance, change of global default I/O time out will not affect I/O transfer for LUNs already opened. If a LUN is closed and re-opened, the new default I/O time out will be used. When change of an attribute at a per-object instance level takes effect depends on the attribute and the driver owning it. For more information, refer to the manpage of the driver plug-in for scsimgr. In general, change to current value of a per-object instance of a generic attribute takes effect immediately. For instance, if the I/O time out is changed for disk0, the new value will be used for the next I/O transfer to disk0. A given attribute can not necessary be set at all levels. Certain attributes can only be set at a global level. That is the case for attributes adjusting global resource usage. Other attributes can only be set at a per object instance level. Some drivers do not provide the possibility to set attributes at intermediate level; such as, device type and vendor identifier. If setting an attribute causes the system to become unstable, it may be possible to recover by rebooting the system in single user mode. The SCSI subsystem uses attribute factory default values for objects initialized while in single user mode. The attribute is specified as an argument in the command line. scsimgr performs the following operations:
Supported scsimgr CommandsTo get the list of supported scsimgr commands, run: "scsimgr -h". These commands are described below. These commands are described below.
Table: scsimgr AttributesThis table lists the scsimgr generic attributes. Note: In this attribute description table, the following conventions are used:
RETURN VALUEscsimgr exits with one of the following values:
When an error condition occurs, scsimgr will display an error message specifying the nature and/or the cause of the error conditions. However, for operations supporting scriptable output (when the -p option is used), no errors will be printed if the error condition only affects one or more of the output fields. scsimgr will leave the affected field(s) empty and exit with a non-zero value. In the following example, the max_io attribute is not a valid LUN attribute. In the displayed output, scsimgr leaves the second field corresponding to max_io empty and exits with EFAULT(14).
EXAMPLESTo display scsimgr general usage: scsimgr -h To display scsimgr usage for get_attr command: scsimgr -h get_attr To figure out the SCSI object on which to invoke the command (note that /dev/rdisk/disk961 is the character device special file (DSF) in this example):
To get basic global statistics: scsimgr get_stat To get all global statistics: scsimgr -v get_stat To display global statistics for driver esdisk: scsimgr -v get_stat -d esdisk To get basic statistics for disk0: scsimgr get_stat -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 To get basic statistics for all LUN paths of disk0: scsimgr get_stat -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 all_lpt To get all statistics for the SCSI controller with class fc and instance number 1: scsimgr -v get_stat -C fc -I 1 To get all the statistics for target path with the hardware path of 0/4/1/0.0x60060b000014f45a0001000000000011: scsimgr -v get_stat -H 0/4/1/0.0x60060b000014f45a0001000000000011 To get driver esdisk specific statistics for disk0: scsimgr get_stat -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 -d esdisk To clear global statistics: scsimgr clear_stat To clear statistic for the SCSI controller with class fc and instance number 1: scsimgr clear_stat -C fc -I 1 To clear statistic for all target paths of the SCSI controller with class fc and instance number 1: scsimgr clear_stat -C fc -I 1 all_tp To get basic global status and information: scsimgr get_info To get global status information for driver esdisk: scsimgr -v get_info -d esdisk To get all status information of all the LUNs: scsimgr -v get_info all_lun To get basic status information for disk0: scsimgr get_info -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 To get basic status information for all LUN paths of disk0: scsimgr get_info -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 all_lpt To get all status information for the SCSI controller with class escsi_ctlr and instance number 1: scsimgr -v get_info -C escsi_ctlr -I 1 To get all status information for target path with the hardware path of 0/4/1/0.0x60060b000014f45a0001000000000011: scsimgr -v get_info -H 0/4/1/0.0x60060b000014f45a0001000000000011 To display LUN path information for all LUNs: scsimgr lun_map To display LUN path information for disk0: scsimgr lun_map -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 To display LUN path information for disk0 in a form that can be parsed: scsimgr -p lun_map -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 To display extended information on generic global attributes: scsimgr -v get_attr To display driver esdisk global attributes: scsimgr -v get_attr -d esdisk To display information on attribute for disk0: scsimgr get_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 To display current values only of attributes for LUN whose class is disk and instance 0: scsimgr get_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 current To display default values only of settable attributes for a SCSI HBA controller with DSF /dev/fcd3: scsimgr get_attr -D /dev/fcd3 default settable To display saved values only of settable attributes for all LUNs: scsimgr get_attr all_lun saved settable To display default attribute values for devices bound to driver esdisk scsimgr get_attr -N /escsi/esdisk To display default attributes values for all disk devices from HP bound to driver esdisk scsimgr get_attr -N '/escsi/esdisk/0x0/HP ' To display current values only of specific attributes for all target paths of a SCSI HBA controller: scsimgr get_attr -D /dev/fcd0 all_tp current -a port_name -a node_name To display information on disk driver specific attributes for disk0: scsimgr get_attr -d esdisk -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 To set current values of attributes leg_mpath_enable and max_q_depth for disk0: scsimgr set_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 -a leg_mapth_enable=false \ -a max_q_depth=10 To save value of attribute leg_mpath_enable for disk0: scsimgr save_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 -a leg_mapth_enable=false To save default value of attribute leg_mpath_enable for disk0: scsimgr save_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 -a leg_mapth_enable=default To save default value of all settable attributes for disk0: scsimgr save_attr -C disk -I 0 default To save default values for specific global attributes: scsimgr save_attr default -a max_q_depth -a escsi_dbg_lvl To add a settable attribute scope corresponding to all disk devices from HP with product identifier "ST39103FC" bound to driver esdisk Default values for attributes can be changed for these devices. scsimgr ddr_add -N '/escsi/esdisk/0x0/HP /ST39103FC' To delete a settable attribute scope for disk devices from HP with product identifier "ST39103FC" bound to driver esdisk It will no longer be possible to modify default attributes values for these devices only. scsimgr ddr_del -N '/escsi/esdisk/0x0/HP /ST39103FC' To list settable attribute scopes registered for all drivers. scsimgr ddr_list To validate replacement of disk0 and re-assign its DSF to the replacing LUN: scsimgr replace_wwid -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 dsf To unbind all LUN paths that were associated with disk0: scsimgr replace_wwid -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 To validate change of LUN associated with LUN path with class lunpath and instance number 2: scsimgr replace_wwid -C lunpath -I 2 To validate change of LUN to which legacy DSF /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0 is bound to: scsimgr replace_leg_dsf -D /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0 To force reset of LUN disk0: scsimgr -f lun_reset -D dev/rdisk/disk0 To cause a warm target reset of device corresponding to disk0: scsimgr warm_bdr -D dev/rdisk/disk0 To cause a cold target reset of device corresponding to disk0: scsimgr warm_bdr -D dev/rdisk/disk0 To disable LUN path with the hardware path 0/4/1/0.0x60060b000014f45a.0x4001000000000000: scsimgr disable -H 0/4/1/0.0x60060b000014f45a.0x4001000000000000 To enable disk0: scsimgr enable -D /dev/rdisk/disk0 To set user friendly device identifier for LUN of class disk and instance 7: scsimgr set_devid -C disk -I 7 "Disk with Credit Card information" To get user friendly device identifier for LUN of class disk and instance 7: scsimgr get_devid -C disk -I 7 To sync write data cache on LUN with DSF /dev/rdisk/disk47: scsimgr sync_cache -D /dev/rdisk/disk47 To forcefully pre-erase the medium of the magneto-optical device with hardware path 64000/0xfa00/0x6: scsimgr erase -H 64000/0xfa00/0x6 To display standard inquiry data for LUN with DSF /dev/rdisk/disk47: scsimgr inquiry -D /dev/rdisk/disk47 To display vital product data of page 83 of LUN disk23: scsimgr inquiry -C disk -I 23 0x83 scsimgr inquiry -C disk -I 23 wwid SEE ALSOdiskinfo(1M), fcmsutil(1M), scsictl(1M), autochanger(7), intro(7), scsi(7), scsi_ctl(7), scsi_disk(7), scsi_tape(7), scsimgr_eschgr(7), scsimgr_esdisk(7), scsimgr_estape(7). Note: The manpage of a driver plug-in for scsimgr is scsimgr_<driver_name>(7), where <driver_name> is the name of the driver. For example, see scsimgr_esdisk(7). |
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