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HP-UX Reference > S![]() snmpd(1M)HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007 |
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NAMEsnmpd, snmpdm — Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Process SYNOPSIS/usr/sbin/snmpd [-a] [-authfail] [-C contact] [-Contact contact] [-h] [-help] [-L location] [-Location location] [-l logfile] [-logfile logfile] [-m logmask] [-mask logmask] [-n] [-P portnum] [-Port portnum] [-sys description] [-sysDescr description] /usr/sbin/snmpd [-e extendFile] /usr/sbin/snmpdm [-apall] [-aperror] [-aptrace] [-apwarn] [-a] [-authfail] [-C contact] [-Contact contact] [-h] [-help] [-L location] [-Location location] [-l logfile] [-logfile logfile] [-m logmask] [-mask logmask] [-log_format value] [-n] [-sys description] [-sysDescr description] [-tcpany] [-tcplocal] [-tcpnone] DESCRIPTIONThe Master SNMP Agent (/usr/sbin/snmpdm) and the collection of subAgents (/usr/sbin/*agt) that would attach to the Master Agent collectively form a single SNMP Agent. The SNMP Agent accepts SNMP Get, GetNext and Set requests from an SNMP Manager which cause it to read or write the Management Information Base (MIB). The MIB objects are instrumented by the subAgents. The Master Agent can bind to separate process subagents. OptionsThe Master agent /usr/sbin/snmpdm and the manual startup script /usr/sbin/snmpd recognize the following command line options:
SNMPv1 SecurityEach SNMP request is accompanied by a community name, which is essentially a password that enables SNMP access to MIB values on an agent. A Manager can request to read a MIB value by issuing an SNMP GetRequest/GetNextRequest, or a manager may request to alter a MIB value by issuing an SNMP SetRequest. By default, the agent does not respond to any SNMP requests, regardless of community name used in the request. To configure the agent to respond to SNMP GetRequests/GetNextRequests, add a get-community-name to /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf. See the snmpd.conf(4) manpage. To configure the agent to respond to SNMP SetRequests AND GetRequests/GetNextRequests, add a set-community-name to /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf. SNMPv2cSimple Network Management Protocol Community based Version 2 (SNMPv2) is supported in this version of the SNMP Agent. TrapsThe agent also sends information to a manager without an explicit request from the manager. Such an operation is called a trap. By default, SNMP traps are not sent to any destination. To configure the agent to send traps to one or more specific destinations, add the trap destinations to /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf. The Master Agent (snmpdm) and the MIB-2 subAgent (mib2agt) collaborate to send the following SNMP traps:
The Master Agent (snmpdm) and the IPv6 subAgent (ipv6agt) collaborate to send the following SNMP traps:
SNMP Agent LoggingThe SNMP Agent provides the capability to log various types of errors and events. There are three types of logging: Errors, Warnings and Traces. Log MasksLog masks enable the user to specify the particular classes of messages that should be logged to /var/adm/snmpd.log or the specified logfile. There are three different ways in which you can specify the logmask that you want. They are: (1) decimal number, (2) hex number, or (3) text string. The three may not be used in combination. To select multiple output types do the following. For decimal or hex format simply add the individual logmask values together and enter that number. When entering strings, place multiple strings on the same line, space separated, without quotes. ================================================================== LOG MASK VALUES FUNCTION Decimal Hex String ================================================================== Turn off logging 0 0x00000000 LOGGING_OFF Log factory trace messages 8388608 0x00800000 FACTORY_TRACE Log factory warning messages 268435456 0x10000000 FACTORY_WARN Log factory error messages 536870912 0x20000000 FACTORY_ERROR Log factory configure messages 65536 0x00010000 FACTORY_CONFIG Log factory packet messages 131072 0x00020000 FACTORY_PACKET Log factory trap messages 262144 0x00040000 FACTORY_TRAP Log factory access messages 524288 0x00080000 FACTORY_ACCESS Log factory emanate messages 1048576 0x00100000 FACTORY_EMANATE Log factory verbose messages 2097152 0x00200000 FACTORY_VERBOSE Log factory user messages 4194304 0x00400000 FACTORY_USER Log factory thread messages 1073741824 0x40000000 FACTORY_THREAD Log factory timer messages 2147483648 0x80000000 FACTORY_TIMER For example, to turn on error log messages: decimal format: snmpdm -m 536870912 hex format: snmpdm -m 0x20000000 string format: snmpdm -m FACTORY_ERROR Supported MIB ObjectsThe Management Information Base (MIB) is a conceptual database of values on the agent. The Master SNMP Agent implements a small number of MIB objects but most MIB objects are implemented by subAgents that have attached to the Master Agent. See /var/opt/OV/share/snmp_mibs/ on systems with HP OpenView products installed for definitions of particular MIB objects. This version of the SNMP Agent includes the subAgents, /usr/sbin/mib2agt, /usr/sbin/hp_unixagt and /usr/sbin/ipv6agt which implement the MIB-2, HP UNIX and IPv6 MIBs respectively. The IPv6 subagent is supported ONLY on HP-UX 11i Version 1 platform with the IPv6 depot installed. The MIB-II and HP-UX MIBs are described in /var/opt/OV/share/snmp_mibs/Standard/rfc1213-MIB-II and /var/opt/OV/share/snmp_mibs/Vendor/Hewlett-Packard/hp-unix on systems with HP Openview products installed. It also includes the subagents /usr/sbin/trapdestagt and /usr/sbin/naaagt. The trapdestagt supports the MIB variables used for updating the trapdest entries in snmpd.conf file. For details on the naaagt subagent please refer to naaagt man page. The MIB-2 subAgent supports most of the objects in RFC1213. The EGP group is not supported. The HP-UX subAgent supports most of the objects in the HP-UX MIB. The IPv6 subagent supports most of the objects in RFC2452, RFC2454, RFC2465 and RFC2466. Deprecated MIBSThe ieee8023Mac MIB group corresponding to the following OID is no longer supported: private(4).enterprises(1).hp(11).nm(2).interface(4).ieee8023Mac(1) This MIB group is replaced with the "Ether-Like" MIB group (RFC1398) which corresponds to OID: mgmt(2).mib-2(1).transmission(10).dot3(7) SNMP Agent StartupThe SNMP Agent startup mechanism is built upon the System V.4 file system paradigm. The startup script, /etc/netmanrc, which was used in previous releases of the SNMP Agent is no longer used. Automatic StartupAs installed, the SNMP Master Agent and all subAgents should startup automatically each time the system re-boots or any time the system transitions from run level 1 to run level 2. When the system enters run level 2 the operating system will execute /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster which will startup the Master Agent. Similarly, /sbin/init.d/SnmpMib2, /sbin/init.d/SnmpHpunix and /sbin/init.d/SnmpIpv6 will startup the MIB2, HP-UX and IPv6 subAgents respectively immediately after the Master Agent is started. The trapdestagt and naaagt subagents are started by /sbin/init.d/SnmpTrpDst and /sbin/init.d/SnmpNaa. Prior to executing these startup scripts the system will examine all scripts in /etc/rc.config.d for environment variables which could potentially influence the startup of the Master Agent and each subAgent. See the particular startup script or configuration file for details on supported environment variables. The user should never modify scripts in /sbin/init.d. Instead the startup behavior should be controlled by adjusting values in the appropriate configuration script in /etc/rc.config.d. The interactions and relationships among these processes and files at invocation time is shown below. Solaris /etc/rc2 invokes /etc/rc2.d/S98SnmpMaster /etc/rc2.d/S98SnmpMaster invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster invokes /usr/sbin/snmpdm /usr/sbin/snmpdm reads /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf /etc/rc2 invokes /etc/rc2.d/S97SnmpMib2 /etc/rc2.d/S97SnmpMib2 invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpMib2 /sbin/init.d/SnmpMib2 invokes /usr/sbin/mib2agt /etc/rc2 invokes /etc/rc2.d/S97SnmpHpunix /etc/rc2.d/S97SnmpHpunix invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpHpunix /sbin/init.d/SnmpHpunix invokes /usr/sbin/hp_unixagt /etc/rc2 invokes /etc/rc2.d/S97SnmpTrpDst /etc/rc2.d/S97SnmpTrpDst invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpTrpDst /sbin/init.d/SnmpTrpDst invokes /usr/sbin/trapdestagt /etc/rc2 invokes /etc/rc2.d/S97Naa /etc/rc2.d/S97SnmpNaa invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpNaa /sbin/init.d/SnmpNaa invokes /usr/sbin/naaagt HP-UX 10.X, 11i /sbin/rc invokes /sbin/rc2.d/S560SnmpMaster /sbin/rc2.d/S560SnmpMaster invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster invokes /usr/sbin/snmpdm /usr/sbin/snmpdm reads /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf /sbin/rc invokes /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpMib2 /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpMib2 invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpMib2 /sbin/init.d/SnmpMib2 invokes /usr/sbin/mib2agt /sbin/rc invokes /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpHpunix /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpHpunix invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpHpunix /sbin/init.d/SnmpHpunix invokes /usr/sbin/hp_unixagt /sbin/rc invokes /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpTrpDst /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpTrpDst invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpTrpDst /sbin/init.d/SnmpTrpDst invokes /usr/sbin/trapdestagt HP-UX 11i Version 1 (with IPv6 depot installed) /sbin/rc invokes /sbin/rc2.d/S560SnmpMaster /sbin/rc2.d/S560SnmpMaster invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster /sbin/init.d/SnmpMaster invokes /usr/sbin/snmpdm /usr/sbin/snmpdm reads /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf /sbin/rc invokes /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpMib2 /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpMib2 invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpMib2 /sbin/init.d/SnmpMib2 invokes /usr/sbin/mib2agt /sbin/rc invokes /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpHpunix /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpHpunix invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpHpunix /sbin/init.d/SnmpHpunix invokes /usr/sbin/hp_unixagt /sbin/rc invokes /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpIpv6 /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpIpv6 invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpIpv6 /sbin/init.d/SnmpIpv6 invokes /usr/sbin/ipv6agt /sbin/rc invokes /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpTrpDst /sbin/rc2.d/s565SnmpTrpDst invokes /sbin/init.d/SnmpTrpDst sbin/init.d/SnmpTrpDst invokes /usr/sbin/trapdestagt Manual StartupThere are two ways to start the SNMP Agent manually. The first way is to execute snmpdm and then start each subAgent. Separate process subAgents are started by invoking the particular subAgent executables. The second and simplest way to start the SNMP Agent manually is to execute the snmpd startup script which will invoke the Master Agent and all subAgents who have been installed and designed to operate in this paradigm. The snmpd script is layered upon the V.4 startup paradigm and so makes use of the component startup scripts in /sbin/init.d and configuration scripts in /etc/rc.config.d. When snmpd is invoked it starts /usr/sbin/snmpdm, passes all its command line arguments to it and then executes each script (S*) found in /sbin/SnmpAgtStart.d. Objects on which the agent supports snmpset requests:
Objects that return Null values (Solaris only):
Objects that return noSuchName errors (Solaris only):
ERRORSDuplicate community names may not be used in the configuration file. In the past the agent allowed a user to have the same name used many times in the file. This typically happens when the user would set the same name for a get and set community name. The implication being that the name could be used for gets and sets. Due to the new Emanate agent, it would cause problems to allow this. So, now the set community names have read/write access. That is, they are both a set and get community name. When this error occurs, the agent will still start. However, an ERROR log will be written in the logfile and you will likely end up with undesirable results. EXTERNAL INFLUENCESEnvironment Variables$LANG determines the language in which messages appear. If $LANG is not specified or is set to the empty string, a default of "C" (see lang(5)) is used instead of $LANG. If any internationalization variable contains an invalid setting, snmpdm behaves as if all internationalization variables are set to "C." See environ(5). The environment variables specific to the master agent snmpdm are as below: Environment Variables
FILES/usr/sbin/snmpd /usr/sbin/snmpdm /usr/sbin/mib2agt /usr/sbin/hp_unixagt /usr/sbin/ipv6agt /usr/sbin/trapdestagt /etc/SnmpAgent.d/snmpd.conf /var/adm/snmpd.log /var/opt/OV/share/snmp_mibs/ /sbin/SnmpAgtStart.d/ |
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