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Managing Serviceguard Fifteenth Edition > Appendix C Designing Highly Available Cluster Applications

Designing Applications to Run on Multiple Systems


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If an application can be failed to a backup node, how will it work on that different system?

The previous sections discussed methods to ensure that an application can be automatically restarted. This section will discuss some ways to ensure the application can run on multiple systems. Topics are as follows:

  • Avoid Node Specific Information

  • Assign Unique Names to Applications

  • Use Uname(2) With Care

  • Bind to a Fixed Port

  • Bind to a Relocatable IP Addresses

  • Give Each Application its Own Volume Group

  • Use Multiple Destinations for SNA Applications

  • Avoid File Locking

Avoid Node-Specific Information

Typically, when a new system is installed, an IP address must be assigned to each active network interface. This IP address is always associated with the node and is called a stationary IP address.

The use of packages containing highly available applications adds the requirement for an additional set of IP addresses, which are assigned to the applications themselves. These are known as relocatable application IP addresses. Serviceguard’s network sensor monitors the node’s access to the subnet on which these relocatable application IP addresses reside. When packages are configured in Serviceguard, the associated subnetwork address is specified as a package resource dependency, and a list of nodes on which the package can run is also provided. When failing a package over to a remote node, the subnetwork must already be active on the target node.

Each application or package should be given a unique name as well as a relocatable IP address. Following this rule separates the application from the system on which it runs, thus removing the need for user knowledge of which system the application runs on. It also makes it easier to move the application among different systems in a cluster for for load balancing or other reasons. If two applications share a single IP address, they must move together. Instead, using independent names and addresses allows them to move separately.

For external access to the cluster, clients must know how to refer to the application. One option is to tell the client which relocatable IP address is associated with the application. Another option is to think of the application name as a host, and configure a name-to-address mapping in the Domain Name System (DNS). In either case, the client will ultimately be communicating via the application’s relocatable IP address. If the application moves to another node, the IP address will move with it, allowing the client to use the application without knowing its current location. Remember that each network interface must have a stationary IP address associated with it. This IP address does not move to a remote system in the event of a network failure.

Obtain Enough IP Addresses

Each application receives a relocatable IP address that is separate from the stationary IP address assigned to the system itself. Therefore, a single system might have many IP addresses, one for itself and one for each of the applications that it normally runs. Therefore, IP addresses in a given subnet range will be consumed faster than without high availablity. It might be necessary to acquire additional IP addresses.

Multiple IP addresses on the same network interface are supported only if they are on the same subnetwork.

Allow Multiple Instances on Same System

Applications should be written so that multiple instances, each with its own application name and IP address, can run on a single system. It might be necessary to invoke the application with a parameter showing which instance is running. This allows distributing the users among several systems under normal circumstances, but it also allows all of the users to be serviced in the case of a failure on a single system.

Avoid Using SPU IDs or MAC Addresses

Design the application so that it does not rely on the SPU ID or MAC (link-level) addresses. The SPU ID is a unique hardware ID contained in non-volatile memory, which cannot be changed. A MAC address (also known as a LANIC id) is a link-specific address associated with the LAN hardware. The use of these addresses is a common problem for license servers, since for security reasons they want to use hardware-specific identification to ensure the license isn't copied to multiple nodes. One workaround is to have multiple licenses; one for each node the application will run on. Another way is to have a cluster-wide mechanism that lists a set of SPU IDs or node names. If your application is running on a system in the specified set, then the license is approved.

Previous generation HA software would move the MAC address of the network card along with the IP address when services were moved to a backup system. This is no longer allowed in Serviceguard.

There were a couple of reasons for using a MAC address, which have been addressed below:

  • Old network devices between the source and the destination such as routers had to be manually programmed with MAC and IP address pairs. The solution to this problem is to move the MAC address along with the IP address in case of failover.

  • Up to 20 minute delays could occur while network device caches were updated due to timeouts associated with systems going down. This is dealt with in current HA software by broadcasting a new ARP translation of the old IP address with the new MAC address.

Assign Unique Names to Applications

A unique name should be assigned to each application. This name should then be configured in DNS so that the name can be used as input to gethostbyname(), as described in the following discussion.


DNS provides an API which can be used to map hostnames to IP addresses and vice versa. This is useful for BSD socket applications such as telnet which are first told the target system name. The application must then map the name to an IP address in order to establish a connection. However, some calls should be used with caution.

Applications should not reference official hostnames or IP addresses. The official hostname and corresponding IP address for the hostname refer to the primary LAN card and the stationary IP address for that card. Therefore, any application that refers to, or requires the hostname or primary IP address may not work in an HA environment where the network identity of the system that supports a given application moves from one system to another, but the hostname does not move.

One way to look for problems in this area is to look for calls to gethostname(2) in the application. HA services should use gethostname() with caution, since the response may change over time if the application migrates. Applications that use gethostname() to determine the name for a call to gethostbyname(2) should also be avoided for the same reason. Also, the gethostbyaddr() call may return different answers over time if called with a stationary IP address.

Instead, the application should always refer to the application name and relocatable IP address rather than the hostname and stationary IP address. It is appropriate for the application to call gethostbyname(2), specifying the application name rather than the hostname. gethostbyname(2) will pass in the IP address of the application. This IP address will move with the application to the new node.

However, gethostbyname(2) should be used to locate the IP address of an application only if the application name is configured in DNS. It is probably best to associate a different application name with each independent HA service. This allows each application and its IP address to be moved to another node without affecting other applications. Only the stationary IP addresses should be associated with the hostname in DNS.

Use uname(2) With Care

Related to the hostname issue discussed in the previous section is the application's use of uname(2), which returns the official system name. The system name is unique to a given system whatever the number of LAN cards in the system. By convention, the uname and hostname are the same, but they do not have to be. Some applications, after connection to a system, might call uname(2) to validate for security purposes that they are really on the correct system. This is not appropriate in an HA environment, since the service is moved from one system to another, and neither the uname nor the hostname are moved. Applications should develop alternate means of verifying where they are running. For example, an application might check a list of hostnames that have been provided in a configuration file.

Bind to a Fixed Port

When binding a socket, a port address can be specified or one can be assigned dynamically. One issue with binding to random ports is that a different port may be assigned if the application is later restarted on another cluster node. This may be confusing to clients accessing the application.

The recommended method is using fixed ports that are the same on all nodes where the application will run, instead of assigning port numbers dynamically. The application will then always return the same port number regardless of which node is currently running the application. Application port assignments should be put in /etc/services to keep track of them and to help ensure that someone will not choose the same port number.

Bind to Relocatable IP Addresses

When sockets are bound, an IP address is specified in addition to the port number. This indicates the IP address to use for communication and is meant to allow applications to limit which interfaces can communicate with clients. An application can bind to INADDR_ANY as an indication that messages can arrive on any interface.

Network applications can bind to a stationary IP address, a relocatable IP address, or INADDR_ANY. If the stationary IP address is specified, then the application may fail when restarted on another node, because the stationary IP address is not moved to the new system. If an application binds to the relocatable IP address, then the application will behave correctly when moved to another system.

Many server-style applications will bind to INADDR_ANY, meaning that they will receive requests on any interface. This allows clients to send to the stationary or relocatable IP addresses. However, in this case the networking code cannot determine which source IP address is most appropriate for responses, so it will always pick the stationary IP address.

For TCP stream sockets, the TCP level of the protocol stack resolves this problem for the client since it is a connection-based protocol. On the client, TCP ignores the stationary IP address and continues to use the previously bound relocatable IP address originally used by the client.

With UDP datagram sockets, however, there is a problem. The client may connect to multiple servers utilizing the relocatable IP address and sort out the replies based on the source IP address in the server’s response message. However, the source IP address given in this response will be the stationary IP address rather than the relocatable application IP address. Therefore, when creating a UDP socket for listening, the application must always call bind(2) with the appropriate relocatable application IP address rather than INADDR_ANY.

Call bind() before connect()

When an application initiates its own connection, it should first call bind(2), specifying the application IP address before calling connect(2). Otherwise the connect request will be sent using the stationary IP address of the system's outbound LAN interface rather than the desired relocatable application IP address. The client will receive this IP address from the accept(2) call, possibly confusing the client software and preventing it from working correctly.

Give Each Application its Own Volume Group

Use separate volume groups for each application that uses data. If the application doesn't use disk, it is not necessary to assign it a separate volume group. A volume group (group of disks) is the unit of storage that can move between nodes. The greatest flexibility for load balancing exists when each application is confined to its own volume group, i.e., two applications do not share the same set of disk drives. If two applications do use the same volume group to store their data, then the applications must move together. If the applications’ data stores are in separate volume groups, they can switch to different nodes in the event of a failover.

The application data should be set up on different disk drives and if applicable, different mount points. The application should be designed to allow for different disks and separate mount points. If possible, the application should not assume a specific mount point.

To prevent one node from inadvertently accessing disks being used by the application on another node, HA software uses an exclusive access mechanism to enforce access by only one node at a time. This exclusive access applies to a volume group as a whole.

Use Multiple Destinations for SNA Applications

SNA is point-to-point link-oriented; that is, the services cannot simply be moved to another system, since that system has a different point-to-point link which originates in the mainframe. Therefore, backup links in a node and/or backup links in other nodes should be configured so that SNA does not become a single point of failure. Note that only one configuration for an SNA link can be active at a time. Therefore, backup links that are used for other purposes should be reconfigured for the primary mission-critical purpose upon failover.

Avoid File Locking

In an NFS environment, applications should avoid using file-locking mechanisms, where the file to be locked is on an NFS Server. File locking should be avoided in an application both on local and remote systems. If local file locking is employed and the system fails, the system acting as the backup system will not have any knowledge of the locks maintained by the failed system. This may or may not cause problems when the application restarts.

Remote file locking is the worst of the two situations, since the system doing the locking may be the system that fails. Then, the lock might never be released, and other parts of the application will be unable to access that data. In an NFS environment, file locking can cause long delays in case of NFS client system failure and might even delay the failover itself.

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