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Managing Serviceguard Fifteenth Edition > Appendix D Integrating HA Applications with Serviceguard

Checklist for Integrating HA Applications


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This section contains a checklist for integrating HA applications in both single and multiple systems.

Defining Baseline Application Behavior on a Single System

Define a baseline behavior for the application on a standalone system:

  1. Install the application, database, and other required resources on one of the systems. Be sure to follow Serviceguard rules in doing this:

    • Install all shared data on separate external volume groups.

    • Use JFS/VxFS filesystems as appropriate.

  2. Perform some sort of standard test to ensure the application is running correctly. This test can be used later in testing with Serviceguard. If possible, try to connect to the application through a client.

  3. Crash the standalone system, reboot it, and test how the application starts up again. Note the following:

    • Are there any manual procedures? If so, document them.

    • Can everything start up from rc scripts?

  4. Try to write a simple script which brings everything up without having to do any keyboard typing. Figure out what the administrator would do at the keyboard, then put that into the script.

  5. Try to write a simple script to bring down the application. Again, figure out what the administrator would do at the keyboard, then put that into the script.

Integrating HA Applications in Multiple Systems

  1. Install the application on a second system.

    1. Create the LVM infrastructure on the second system.

    2. Add the appropriate users to the system.

    3. Install the appropriate executables.

    4. With the application not running on the first system, try to bring it up on the second system. You might use the script you created in the step above. Is there anything different that you must do? Does it run?

    5. Repeat this process until you can get the application to run on the second system.

  2. Configure the Serviceguard cluster:

    1. Create the cluster configuration.

    2. Create a package.

    3. Create the package script.

    4. Use the simple scripts you created in earlier steps as the customer defined functions in the package control script.

  3. Start the cluster and verify that applications run as planned.

  4. If you will be building an application that depends on a Veritas Cluster File System (CFS) and Cluster Volume Manager (CVM), then consider the following:

    1. Use the CVM and VxVM Worksheet in Chapter 4 to define the disk group, volume groups, and file system mount points that the application will depend on.

    2. Build storage on all nodes of the cluster.

    3. Create the disk group and mount point packages.

    4. Make sure that your file systems are mounting and unmounting on the nodes as they are designed to do on your application layout.

    5. Once the SG-CFS-DG-ID# and SG-CFS-MP-ID# packages are running as desired, create your application packages, placing a dependency on the SG-CFS-MP-ID# package if desired.

    NOTE: Check the Serviceguard, SGeRAC, and SMS Compatibility and Feature Matrix and the latest Release Notes for your version of Serviceguard for up-to-date information about support for CVM and CFS: http://www.docs.hp.com -> High Availability -> Serviceguard.

Testing the Cluster

  1. Test the cluster:

    • Have clients connect.

    • Provide a normal system load.

    • Halt the package on the first node and move it to the second node:

      cmhaltpkg pkg1 
      cmrunpkg -n node2 pkg1 
      cmmodpkg -e pkg1 
    • Move it back.

      cmhaltpkg pkg1 
      cmrunpkg -n node1 pkg1 
      cmmodpkg -e pkg1 
    • Fail one of the systems. For example, turn off the power on node 1. Make sure the package starts up on node 2.

    • Repeat failover from node2 back to node1.

  2. Be sure to test all combinations of application load during the testing. Repeat the failover processes under different application states such as heavy user load versus no user load, batch jobs vs online transactions, etc.

  3. Record timelines of the amount of time spent during the failover for each application state. A sample timeline might be 45 seconds to reconfigure the cluster, 15 seconds to run fsck on the filesystems, 30 seconds to start the application and 3 minutes to recover the database.

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