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hpvmconsole — Connect to the console of a virtual machine.


hpvmconsole { -P vm-name -p vm-number } [-c command] [-e echar] [-f] [-i] [-q]


An Integrity VM virtual machine console is similar in appearance to the maintenance processor of an Integrity system. Each virtual machine has its own virtual console from which you can manage the virtual machine and the guest operating system. The hpvmconsole command connects to the virtual console of a specified virtual machine.

If you have logged into the physical console of a VM Host and then run hpvmconsole interactively.

To return to the physical console, press Ctrl/B.

To return to the virtual console main menu, press Ctrl/X.


The hpvmconsole command recognizes the following standard Integrity VM options and attributes:

-P vm-name

Specifies the name of the virtual machine to be booted.

You can specify either the -P or the -p option, but not both.

-p vm-number

Specifies the number of the virtual machine to be booted. The vm-number is displayed by the hpvmstatus command.

You can specify either the -P or the -p option, but not both.

-c command

Provides a console command to be performed before reading from standard input. The -c option is provided for scripting and logging purposes. You can enter multiple -c options; they are processed from left to right. In this mode, you cannot use Ctrl/B to get back to command mode. This mode is primarily useful in combination with the -f option to enter console mode and watch the OS console output. Even so, the console commands so given will assume a trailing -nc option, if they support one, to prevent the reading of standard input unless the -i option is also specified.

-e echar

Overrides the standard Ctrl/B escape (or attention) character. The character can be given as a literal control character, or as a caret (^) followed by another character.


Continues following the console output after reaching EOF on standard input. (This option exists for scripting and logging purposes.)


Interacts with the console (reads from standard input), despite the use of the -c and -f options.


Makes scripted operations less verbose.


The hpvmconsole command exits with one of the following values:

0: Successful program execution.

1: Invalid option or invalid argument to an option (usage error).

2: All other program failures (operational error).


The hpvmconsole command displays error messages on stderr for any of the following conditions:

  • An invalid option is specified.

  • The hpvmconsole command and Integrity VM are at different revision levels.

  • An operational error occurred.


To use the console interactively:

# hpvmconsole -p guestname

To collect the guest console log in the correct order:

# hpvmconsole -P "$GUEST" -q -c cl > $GUEST.conslog

Similarly, to collect the guest operation log:

# hpvmconsole -P "$GUEST" -q -c 'rec -view' > $GUEST.applog

To override the default attention character (Ctrl/B) and use Ctrl/t instead:

# hpvmconsole -e ^t -P guestname


The hpvmconsole command was developed by HP.


On the VM Host:

hpvm(5), hpvmclone(1M), hpvmcollect(1M), hpvmcreate(1M), hpvmdevmgmt(1M), hpvmdevtranslate(1M), hpvmhostrdev(1M), hpvminfo(1M), hpvmmigrate(1M), hpvmmodify(1M), hpvmnet(1M), hpvmpubapi(3), hpvmremove(1M), hpvmresources(5), hpvmsar(1M), hpvmstart(1M), hpvmstatus(1M), hpvmstop(1M), hpvmupgrade(1M), p2vassist(1M)

On the Integrity VM guest:

hpvmcollect(1M), hpvminfo(1M), hpvmmgmt(1M), hpvmpubapi(3)

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