The hpmvdevmgmt command has two new attributes: USAGE and PRESERVE. The USAGE attribute
is for files that are used a backing storage for disks or DVDs and
is valid only for files. It cannot be set for a real disk, DVD, or
burner (when the burner is used as a DVD). The values for USAGE are:
The following examples show how to set the USAGE attribute:
# hpvmdevmgmt -a gdev:/somepath/somefile:attr:USAGE:DISK
# hpvmdevmgmt -a gdev:/somepath/someisofile.iso:attr:USAGE=DVD |
# hpvmdevmgmt -a gdev:/somepath/somefile
# hpvmdevmgmt -m gdev:/somepath/somefile:attr:USAGE=DISK |
# hpvmdevmgmt -a gdev:/somepath/someisofile.iso
# hpvmdevmgmt -m gdev:/somepath/someisofile.iso:attr:USAGE=DVD |
The PRESERVE attribute has the following format:
The following example shows how to set the PRESERVE attribute:
# hpvmdevmgmt -m gdev:/somedevice:attr:PRESERVE=YES |
The PRESERVE attribute prevents the entry from being automatically
deleted by an hpvmremove or hpvmmodify —d command that deletes the last guest
dependency for a particular device entry. That is, the entry is preserved
for future use (whereas the default behavior is to clean up non-used
entries by deleting them). Setting the PRESERVE attribute to NO is
the same as not specifying the attribute at all.