Squid is mainly maintained by Duane Wessels, (wessels@nlanr.net), with the help
of some people who are probably on squid-dev@nlanr.net, though all general
queries should be sent to squid-users@nlanr.net.
Here are some things to remember when mailing to any mailing list:
Be friendly.
Include as much information as possible (OS version, squid version, the
error or exact details of what you want to do)
Check the FAQ to see if it's
been asked before.
Since so many of the squid users are not english, it might be worth getting
someone else to check the grammar of the proposed message, as you
might not be putting your point clearly enough, which will simply
waste time while you battle.
The Squid Users guide is copyright Oskar Pearson oskar@is.co.za
If you like the layout (I do), I can only thank William Mee
and hope he forgives me for stealing it