implements object deserialization. It maintains the
state of the stream including the set of objects already deserialized. Its methods
allow primitive types and objects to be read from a stream written by
ObjectOutputStream. It manages restoration of the object and the objects that
it refers to from the stream.
package java.io;
public class ObjectInputStream
extends InputStream
implements ObjectInput, ObjectStreamConstants
public ObjectInputStream(InputStream in)
throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException;
public final Object readObject()
throws OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException,
public final void defaultReadObject()
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException,
public synchronized void registerValidation(
ObjectInputValidation obj, int prio)
throws NotActiveException, InvalidObjectException;
protected Class resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass v)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
protected Object resolveObject(Object obj)
throws IOException;
protected final boolean enableResolveObject(boolean enable)
throws SecurityException;
protected void readStreamHeader()
throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException;
public int read() throws IOException;
public int read(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
throws IOException
public int available() throws IOException;
public void close() throws IOException;
public boolean readBoolean() throws IOException;
public byte readByte() throws IOException;
public int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException;
public short readShort() throws IOException;
public int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException;
public char readChar() throws IOException;
public int readInt() throws IOException;
public long readLong() throws IOException;
public float readFloat() throws IOException;
public double readDouble() throws IOException;
public void readFully(byte[] data) throws IOException;
public void readFully(byte[] data, int offset, int size)
throws IOException;
public int skipBytes(int len) throws IOException;
public String readLine() throws IOException;
public String readUTF() throws IOException;
constructor requires an InputStream. The constructor
calls readStreamHeader
to read and verifies the header and version
written by the corresponding ObjectOutputStream
The readObject
method is used to deserialize an object from
the stream. It reads from the stream to reconstruct an object.
methods, or, if these are not defined, by calling the
method. In the normal case, the version of the class
that wrote the stream will be the same as the class reading the stream. In
this case, all of the supertypes of the object in the stream will match the
supertypes in the currently-loaded class. If the version of the class that
wrote the stream had different supertypes than the loaded class, the
ObjectInputStream must be more careful about restoring or initializing the
state of the differing classes. It must step through the classes, matching the
available data in the stream with the classes of the object being restored.
Data for classes that occur in the stream, but do not occur in the object, is
discarded. For classes that occur in the object, but not in the stream, the
class fields are set to default values by default serialization.
method is called to restore the contents
of the object.
the resolveObject
method is called just before the object is returned. This allows subclasses to
replace it if desired. The value of the call to resolveObject
is returned
from readObject
The exceptions thrown reflect errors during the traversal or exceptions that occur on the underlying stream. If any exception is thrown, the underlying stream is left in an unknown and unusable state.
When the reset token occurs in the stream, all of the state of the stream is discarded. The set of known objects is cleared.
When the exception token occurs in the stream, the exception is read and a new WriteAbortedException is thrown with the terminating exception as an argument. The stream context is reset as described earlier.
The defaultReadObject
method is used to read the fields of an object from the stream. It uses the class descriptor in the stream to read the
fields by name and type from the stream. The values are assigned to the
matching fields by name in the current class. Details of the versioning
mechanism can be found in
Compatible Java Type Evolution. Any field
of the object that does not appear in the stream is set to its default value. Values that appear in the stream, but not in the object, are discarded. This
occurs primarily when a later version of a class has written additional fields
that do not occur in the earlier version. This method may only be called from
the readObject
method while restoring the fields of a class.
When called at any other time, the NotActiveException is thrown.
The registerValidation
method can be called to request a callback when
the entire graph has been restored but before the object is returned to
the original caller of readObject
. The order of validate
callbacks can be controlled using the priority. Callbacks registered
with higher values are called before those with lower values. The
object to be validated must support the
interface and implement the
method. It is only correct to register
validations during a call to a class's readObject
Otherwise, a NotActiveException is thrown. If the callback object
supplied to registerValidation is null, an InvalidObjectException is
The resolveClass
method is called while a class is
being deserialized, and after the class descriptor has been read.
Subclasses may extend this method to read other information about the
class written by the corresponding subclass of
. The method must find and return the
class with the given name and serialVersionUID. The default
implementation locates the class by calling the class loader of the
closest caller of readObject
that has a class loader. If
the class cannot be found ClassNotFoundException
should be
The resolveObject
method is used by trusted subclasses
to enable the monitoring or substitution of one object for another
during deserialization. Resolving objects must be enabled explicitly
by calling enableResolveObject
before calling
for the first object to be resolved. Once
enabled resolveObject
is called once for each serializable
object just prior to the first time it is being returned from
readObject. A subclass's implementation may return a substitute object
that will be assigned or returned instead of the original. The object
returned must be of a type that is consistent and assignable to every
reference to the original object or else a
is thrown. All assignments are
type-checked. All references in the stream to the original object will
be replaced by references to the substitute object.
The enableResolveObject
method is used by trusted
subclasses of ObjectOutputStream to enable the monitoring or
substitution of one object for another during deserialization.
Replacing objects is disabled until enableResolveObject
called with a true
value. It may thereafter be disabled by
setting it to false
. The previous setting is returned. The
enableResolveObject method checks that the stream requesting to do
replacement can be trusted. Every reference to deserialized objects is
passed to the resolveObject method. To ensure that the private state of
objects is not unintentionally exposed, only trusted streams may use
resolveObject. Trusted classes are those classes with a class loader
equals null.
The readStreamHeader
method reads and verifies the
magic number and version of the stream. If they do not match, the
is thrown.
Any exception that occurs during a call to validateObject will
terminate the validation process, and the InvalidObjectException will
be thrown.
package java.io;
public interface ObjectInputValidation
public void validateObject()
throws InvalidObjectException;
method allows a class to control the
deserialization of its own fields. Here is its signature:
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException;
The class's readObject method, if implemented, is responsible for
restoring the state of the class. The defaultReadObject
method should be called before reading any optional data written by the
corresponding writeObject
method. If an attempt is made to
read more data than is present in the optional part of the stream for
this class, the stream will throw an EOFException. The responsibility
for the format, structure, and versioning of the optional data lies
completely with the class.
If the class being restored is not present in the stream being read, its fields are initialized to the appropriate default values.
must implement
the readExternal
method to restore the entire state of the
object. It must coordinate with its superclasses to restore their
state. All of the methods of ObjectInput
are available to
restore the object's primitive typed fields and object fields.
public void readExternal(ObjectInput stream)
throws IOException;
method is public, and it raises the risk of a client
being able to overwrite an existing object from a stream.