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nPartition Administrator's Guide > Chapter 1 Getting Started with nPartitions

Complex Profile


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The configurable aspects of a server complex are represented in a set of data called the "Complex Profile", which determines how hardware is assigned to and used by nPartitions within a server.

The Complex Profile consists of three parts, or groups of data, which are described in detail in Table 1-5:

  • “Stable Complex Configuration Data” — This group contains complex-wide settings, including the complex name, serial number, the nPartition assignment for each cell, and other details that apply to the entire server complex.

    The Complex Profile contains one Stable Complex Configuration Data entry.

  • “Dynamic Complex Configuration Data” — Architecturally reserved data.

  • “Partition Configuration Data” — This group contains individual nPartition settings, including the nPartition name, core cell choices, and other details that are specific to an nPartition.

    The Complex Profile contains a Partition Configuration Data entry for each possible nPartition. (A server complex may have a maximum of sixteen nPartitions, globally numbered from 0-15.)

The master copy of all parts of the Complex Profile resides on the service processor (MP or GSP) for the complex. Each cell in the complex also has a copy of the Stable Complex Configuration Data and a copy of the Partition Configuration Data for the nPartition to which it is assigned.

The service processor (MP or GSP) in the server manages all Complex Profile data and keeps all copies of the data coherent using a locking mechanism, as described in the next sections.

Changing the Server Complex Profile

To modify the Complex Profile and thus change the server complex configuration, you use an administration tool such as Partition Manager or one of the nPartition commands. See “Administration Tools for nPartitions” for details. You cannot directly edit the Complex Profile data for a server.

The service processor maintains a set of locks that are used to ensure that only one set of changes to the Complex Profile occurs at a time.

When you configure nPartitions, the administration tools you use revise the Complex Profile for the server in coordination with the service processor. The tools acquire and release locks as needed when modifying Complex Profile entries. You do not directly manage Complex Profile locks under normal circumstances, but you can force an entry to be unlocked if required.

How the Complex Profile is Updated

A server Complex Profile is updated when you use one of the nPartition administration tools (such as Partition Manager or commands) to create, modify, or delete an nPartition or modify complex-wide data.

The general process by which changes to the Complex Profile occur is as follows:

  1. An administrator uses an nPartition administration tool to request that a specific configuration change occurs.

    This is a request to create, modify, or delete an nPartition or modify complex-wide data such as the complex name.

  2. The tool acquires a lock from the service processor (MP or GSP) for the Complex Profile entry that will be revised.

    The lock ensures that no other changes to the Complex Profile entry will occur while the tool revises it.

    If the entry already is locked, that Complex Profile entry cannot be updated and the request will fail and the tool exits with an error message.

  3. The tool reads the Complex Profile entry whose lock it has acquired.

  4. The tool revises the Complex Profile entry according to the administrator request.

  5. The tool sends the revised Complex Profile entry back to the service processor along with the corresponding lock key.

  6. The service processor then "pushes out" the new, revised Complex Profile entry by updating its copy and updating all cells that have a copy of the entry.

    However, the service processor will not push out a revised Complex Profile entry that affects the nPartition assignment of an active cell. In this case the revised entry will remain pending until the cell becomes inactive, for example during a reboot for reconfig or shutdown for reconfig of the nPartition to which the cell is assigned.

  7. After the service processor has pushed out the revised Complex Profile entry it clears the lock for the entry.

    After the entry is unlocked then, as needed, another nPartition configuration task can lock and revise that portion of the Complex Profile.

A single administration task can revise multiple Complex Profile entries. For example, you can create a new nPartition and assign its name in a single action. In this case the tool you use must lock both the Stable Complex Configuration Data and the Partition Configuration Data entry for the new nPartition before revising the data according to the administration request.

Multiple nPartition configuration tasks can occur essentially concurrently if all tasks revise different Complex Profile entries (thus allowing each task to acquire a lock for the entry it revises).

Complex Profile Entry Locking and Unlocking

Each Complex Profile entry has its own lock which is used to restrict access to the entry. If necessary you can manually unlock Complex Profile entries, however in nearly all situations you instead should allow the administration tools to automatically acquire and release locks.

CAUTION: You should generally avoid manually unlocking Complex Profile entries because doing so can can result in the loss of configuration changes.

The locks for Complex Profile entries are managed as described here.

  • For the Stable Complex Configuration Data entry, there are slight differences in the locking mechanisms on HP 9000 and HP Integrity servers.

    • On cell-based HP 9000 servers, the Stable Complex Configuration Data has a single lock.

    • On cell-based HP Integrity servers, the Stable Complex Configuration Data has two separate locks: a "read lock" for restricting read access to the current Stable Complex Configuration Data entry, and a "write lock" for restricting access to a modifiable copy of the Stable Complex Configuration Data.

  • On both HP 9000 and HP Integrity cell-based servers there is one lock for each Partition Configuration Data entry (each nPartition has its own Partition Configuration Data entry).

The parunlock command and the service processor RL command enable you to manually unlock Complex Profile entries.

It can be necessary to manually unlock a Complex Profile entry in the situation where an nPartition configuration tool such as Partition Manager has prematurely exited. If such a tool exits before it sends revised Complex Profile entries and corresponding lock keys back to the service processor, the entries that the tool locked will remain locked indefinitely (until they are manually unlocked).

Manually Unlocking a Complex Profile Entry. You can manually unlock Complex Profile entries after an nPartition configuration tool has exited before unlocking the entries it had locked. In this situation an attempt to modify the nPartition or complex-wide setting will fail because the Complex Profile entries still are locked. If you are certain no authorized users are changing configurations, use the parunlock command or the service processor RL command to unlock the entries. After they are unlocked you can perform the modifications you had previously attempted. For details see “Unlocking Complex Profile Entries”.

Aborting a Complex Profile Change. A pending update of the Complex Profile can be canceled or prevented by clearing the lock for a Complex Profile entry before the service processor has pushed out the revised data for the entry. This occurs, for example, when you have issued a request to change the nPartition assignment of an active cell and then manually unlock the effected Complex Profile entries before performing a reboot for reconfig of the nPartition to which the cell is assigned. For details see “Canceling Pending Changes to the Complex Profile”.

Complex Profile Group Details

Table 1-5 lists details of the three groups of data that comprise the Complex Profile.

NOTE: The Complex Profiles on cell-based HP 9000 servers and cell-based HP Integrity servers contain slightly different sets of information.

Table 1-5 covers both types of Complex Profiles.

The Complex Profile on cell-based HP Integrity servers includes all HP 9000 server Complex Profile data and additional components that are specific to HP Integrity servers. Some HP 9000 server Complex Profile data is unused on HP Integrity servers but is included for compatibility.

Table 1-5 Complex Profile Group Details

Complex Profile GroupDescription and Contents

Stable Complex Configuration Data. Complex-wide information.

The Stable Complex Configuration Data contains complex-wide configuration details, some of which may be set by administrators.

Although the Stable Complex Configuration Data applies to the whole complex, the cell assignments and cell local memory (CLM) per cell components are comprised of data that affect the individual cells.

A copy of the Stable Complex Configuration Data resides on the service processor (MP or GSP) and on every cell in the complex.

The system boot interfaces (the BCH and EFI environments) do not have methods for changing Stable Complex Configuration Data. Instead, use the service processor command menu or nPartition management tools.

The Stable Complex Configuration Data includes these components:

  • Model String — Only applies to HP 9000 servers. PA-RISC model.

  • Complex System Name — User-chosen name for the complex.

  • Original Product Number — Set by HP manufacturing.

  • Current Product Number — Originally set by HP manufacturing.

  • Creator Serial Number — Set by HP manufacturing.

  • Cell Assignments — User-configurable nPartition assignments for all cells in the complex; also specifies each cell type (e.g. base).

  • Cell Local Memory (CLM) Per Cell — Only on servers based on the HP sx1000 or sx2000 chipset. User-configurable setting for each cell that determines the amount of cell local memory. The operating system on an nPartition with CLM configured must also support CLM for the cell local memory to be accessible to the operating system.

  • nPartition Configuration Privilege — Only on servers based on the HP sx1000 or sx2000 chipset. Either unrestricted or restricted. A restricted privilege means complex changes are possible only through the service processor LAN interface, which prompts for the IPMI password.

Dynamic Complex Configuration Data. Architecturally reserved information.

The Dynamic Complex Configuration Data is architecturally reserved information that applies to the entire server complex.

A copy of the Dynamic Complex Configuration Data resides on the service processor (MP or GSP) and on every cell in the complex. A reboot is not required for Dynamic Complex Configuration Data changes to take effect.

The system boot interfaces (the BCH and EFI environments) do not have methods for changing Dynamic Complex Configuration Data. Users and administrators do not directly configure this data.

Partition Configuration Data. nPartition- specific information (each nPartition has its own data).

The Partition Configuration Data contains configuration details specific to each nPartition in the complex. Each nPartition has its own Partition Configuration Data entry, which may be modified by administrators.

The service processor (MP or GSP) has a copy of the Partition Configuration Data for every nPartition. Each cell has a copy of the Partition Configuration Data entry for the nPartition to which it is assigned.

Partition Configuration Data includes this data for each nPartition:

  • HP 9000 server components (unused on HP Integrity servers) — These components apply only on HP 9000 servers, but are present on HP Integrity servers for compatibility: Primary Boot Path, HA Alternate Boot Path, Alternate Boot Path, Console Path, Keyboard Path, Boot Timer, Known Good Memory Requirement, Autostart and Restart Flags, and CPU Flags (e.g. Data Prefetch setting).

  • Cell use-on-next-boot values — Specifies whether the cell is to be an active or inactive member of the nPartition to which it is assigned.

  • Core Cell Choices — Up to four cells preferred to be the core cell.

  • Partition Number — The partition number; not user-configurable.

  • Profile Architecture — Specifies whether the current Partition Configuration Data applies to the HP 9000 server architecture or HP Integrity server architecture; not user-configurable.

  • nPartition Name — The nPartition name, used in various displays.

  • Cell Failure Usage — Specifies how each cell in the nPartition is handled when a processor or memory component fails self-tests. Only activating the cell to integrate it into the nPartition is supported (the ri failure usage option, as specified by the parcreate and parmodify commands).

  • IP Address — If set, should be consistent with the IP address assigned to the nPartition when HP-UX is booted. Not actually used for network configuration, but for information only.


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