You can perform a reboot for reconfig by using the following
During a reboot for reconfig of an nPartition, the command
that you issue performs the following tasks:
Shuts down the operating system
and resets all cells that are assigned to the nPartition, including any inactive
Reconfigures the nPartition if necessary
(if there is a pending change to the Stable Complex Configuration Data, it
occurs during the reboot for reconfig).
Boots all cells in the nPartition.
Any cells with a "n" use-on-next-boot value remain inactive at BIB, and all
other cells can rendezvous to form the nPartition.
Perform a reboot for reconfig of an nPartition whenever
you add cells or remove active cells from the nPartition, and whenever you
need to allow an inactive cell to join the nPartition (such as after changing
a cell use-on-next-boot value from "n" to "y").
Procedure 5-34 Reboot for Reconfig from HP-UX (/sbin/shutdown -R command)
From the HP-UX command line use the shutdown
-R command to perform a reboot for reconfig for an nPartition.
Login to HP-UX
running on the nPartition where you want to perform the reboot for reconfig.
Issue the shutdown
-R command to perform a reboot for reconfig of the nPartition.
The shutdown -R command shuts down HP-UX,
reboot all cells assigned to the nPartition, performs any nPartition reconfigurations,
and boot all cells that have "y" use-on-next-boot values.
Procedure 5-36 Reboot for Reconfig from Windows (shutdown /r command)
From the Windows command line use the shutdown
/r command (or select the
Shut Down
Start action and choose Restart from
the pull-down menu) to perform a reboot for reconfig for an nPartition.
Login to Windows
running on the nPartition that you want to shut down.
example, access the nPartition console and use the Windows SAC interface to
start a command prompt, from which you can issue Windows commands to shut
down the nPartition.
Issue the shutdown
/r command to shut down the Windows Server 2003 operating system
on the nPartition and reboot. You also can perform this task by selecting
Shut Down
Start action and choosing Restart from
the pull-down menu.
For example:
shutdown /r /t 60 /c "Reboot for reconfig."
This command initiates a Windows system shutdown-and-reboot
after a timeout period of 60 seconds. The /c option specifies
a message that is broadcast to any other users of the system.
For more details use the help shutdown command.
Procedure 5-37 Reboot for Reconfig from Linux (shutdown -r time command)
To perform a reboot for reconfig of an nPartition from
Linux, issue the shutdown -r time command,
where time is the time when the system will be shut
down and rebooted.
Login to Linux
running on the nPartition you want to shut down.
Issue issue the shutdown
-r time command with the required time argument
to specify when the shutdown is to occur.
You can
specify time in the format hh:mm,
in which hh is the hour (one or two digits) and mm is
the minute of the hour (two digits); or in the format +m,
in which m is the number of minutes delay until shutdown;
or specify now to immediately shut down.