You can boot an inactive nPartition by using any one of
the following procedures:
When all cells in an nPartition are at boot-is-blocked,
the nPartition is inactive. This is the case, for example, when an nPartition
is held at the shutdown for reconfig state.
You can boot an nPartition past the shutdown for reconfig
state to make it active by using the BO (boot) command
at the service processor Command menu.
To determine whether an nPartition is in a boot-is-blocked
(shutdown for reconfig) state, use the Virtual Front Panel for the nPartition
to check the nPartition boot status. If all cells assigned to the nPartition
are at boot-is-blocked, the nPartition is halted at the shutdown for reconfig
Procedure 5-45 Booting an Inactive nPartition (Service Processor)
Use the service processor Command menu BO command
to boot an nPartition past the shutdown for reconfig state to make the nPartition
If you use the BO command to attempt
to boot an nPartition that already is active, the command has no effect.
Login to the
service processor (MP or GSP) and enter CM to access the
Command Menu.
From the Command
menu, enter the BO command and specify which nPartition
is to be booted (released from boot-is-blocked).
a result of the BO command, the service processor for the
complex releases the cells assigned to the selected nPartition from boot-is-blocked:
the cells proceed to rendezvous to form an active nPartition, which no longer
is in the shutdown for reconfig state.
This command boots the selected partition.
# Name
--- ----
0) jules00
1) jules01
Select a partition number: 0
Do you want to boot partition number 0? (Y/[N]) y
-> The selected partition will be booted.
Any of the cells assigned to the nPartition that are not
configured (those with a "n" use-on-next-boot value) remain inactive at boot-is-blocked.
When the nPartition becomes active it proceeds through
the normal boot process.
To exit the service
processor Command Menu, enter MA to return to the service
processor Main Menu.
At the Main Menu, enter X to
exit the service processor interface.
Procedure 5-46 Booting an Inactive nPartition (nPartition Commands)
You can cause an inactive nPartition to be booted (made
active) by using the parmodify command with the -B option
when changing the configuration of an inactive nPartition.
Login to HP-UX
running on any nPartition in the server complex, or login to any remote system
with the Enhanced nPartition Commands (ParCLI) installed.
using the nPartition commands from a remote system, you can specify the -g...
-h... set of options to configure a remote complex.
When modifying
an inactive nPartition, specify the -B option when using
the /usr/sbin/parmodify command to reconfigure the inactive
For example, when adding or removing
cells from an inactive nPartition, specifying the -B option
causes the nPartition to boot (become active) immediately following the nPartition
For details refer to the parmodify(1M) manpage.