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Software Distributor Administration Guide: HP-UX 11i v1, 11i v2, and 11i v3 > Chapter 1 Introduction to Software Distributor

Working from the Command Line


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You can invoke all SD-UX commands non-interactively via the command line. This section provides reference information about command-line features available across most of the commands.

The command line is most effective for:

  • Quickly executing simple commands

  • Executing tasks that take a long time to accomplish

  • Creating commands for later execution by scripts

A typical command line might look like this:

Figure 1-15 Sample Command

Sample Command

The example shows that you have several ways to specify SD-UX behavior including command-line options (such as -f and -s), input files (mysoft and /mnt/cd), and target selections.

A complete list of command line components includes:

  • Software selections and software selection files ()

  • Target selections and target selection files ()

  • Command-line options ()

  • Session files ()

Each item on this list is discussed in more detail in the following sections.

Software Selections

Software selections let you specify software in great detail. You can also use an input file to specify software.


The software_selections syntax is identical for all SD-UX commands that require it (bundle[.product[.subproduct][.fileset]][,version] and product[.subproduct][.fileset][,version]):

  • The = (equals) relational operator lets you specify selections with the following shell wildcard and pattern-matching notations:

    [ ]

    Square brackets—groups an expression


    Asterisk—wildcard for multiple characters


    Question mark—wildcard for a single character

    For example, the following expression installs all bundles and products with tags that end with man:

    swinstall -s sw_server \*man

  • Bundles and products are recursive. Bundles can contain other bundles. For example:

    swinstall bun1.bun2.prod.sub1.fset,r=1.0

    or (using expressions):

    swinstall bun[12].bun?.prod.sub*,a=HP-UX

  • The \* software specification selects all products.

    CAUTION: To avoid data loss, use the \* specification with considerable care (such as when removing software from the root directory, /).

The version component has the form: [,r <op> revision][,a <op> arch]

[,v <op> vendor][,c <op> category][,q=qualifier][,l=location]

[,fr <op> revision][,fa <op> arch]


  • Fully qualified software specifications include the r=, a=, and v= version components, even if they contain empty strings. For installed software, l= is also required.

  • All version components are repeatable within a single specification (e.g. r>=A.12, r<A.20). If multiple components are used, the selection must match all components.

  • The <op> (relational operator) component performs individual comparisons on dot-separated fields and can be of the form:

    =, ==, >=, <=, <, >, or !=

    For example, r>=B.11.11 chooses all revisions greater than or equal to B.11.11. The system compares each dot-separated field to find matches.

  • The = (equals) relational operator lets you specify selections with the shell wildcard and pattern-matching notations: [ ], *, ?, and ! For example, the expression r=1[01].* returns any revision in version 10 or version 11.

  • No space or tab characters are allowed in a software selection.

  • qualifier is a string that can be attached to any product or bundle to help you filter a software specification.

  • location applies only to installed software and refers to software installed to a location other than the default product directory.

  • fr and fa apply only to filesets.

  • A software instance_id can take the place of the version component. It has the form: [instance_id] within the context of an exported catalog, where instance_id is an integer that distinguishes versions of products and bundles with the same tag.

Software Files

To keep the command line shorter, software selection input files let you specify long lists of software products. With a software selection file, you only have to specify the single file name.

The -f command-line option lets you specify a software selection file. For example:

swinstall -f mysoft -s /mnt/cd @ targetB

In this example, the file mysoft (which resides in the current working directory for software files) contains a list of software selections for the depot /mnt/cd.

In the software file, blank lines and comments (lines beginning with #) are ignored. Each software selection must be specified on a separate line.

Target Selections

Target selections follow software and source depot selections. If no target selection is named, the target on which the operation will be performed is assumed to be the root (/) directory on your local host. So, you do not have to use the @ sign and [host][:][/directory] designation (described below) if you are operating on the local host or default depot directory.


The target_selections syntax is identical for all SD-UX commands that require it:

@ [­host][­:­]­[­/directory]

  • The @ character is optional if you are using the local host and default directory. If it is used, it acts as a separator between operands and the destination.

  • Only one @ character is needed.

  • You can specify the host by its host name, domain name, or internet address. A directory must be specified by an absolute path.

  • The : (colon) is required if you specify both a host and directory.

  • On some systems, the @ character is used as the kill function. Type stty on your system to see if the @ character is mapped to any other function on your system. If it is, remove the mapping, change the mapping, or use \@.

Target Files

To keep the command line shorter, target selection input files let you specify long lists of targets. With a target selection file, you only have to specify the single file name.

The -t command-line option lets you specify a target file. For example:

swinstall -f mysoft -s /mnt/cd -t mytargs

In this example, the file mytargs (which resides in the current working directory) contains a list of target selections for the swinstall command.

In the target file, blank lines and comments (lines beginning with #) are ignored. Each target selection must be specified on a separate line and must consist of a host name or network address, optionally followed by a colon and a full path:


Using Command Options

You can control many SD-UX command policies and behaviors by setting the appropriate command options. You can change the default values of options using predefined files or values you specify directly on the command-line. Altering default values with files can help when you don’t want to specify command behavior every time you invoke the command.

These rules govern the way the defaults work:

  1. Options in /var/adm/sw/defaults affect all SD-UX commands on that system. This file can change the default behavior for all commands to which an option applies or for specific commands only.

  2. Options in your personal $HOME/.swdefaults file affect only you and not the entire system.

  3. Options read from a session file affect only that session.

  4. Options changed on the command line by the -X option_file or the -xoption=value arguments override the system-wide and personal options files but affect only that invocation of the command.

For system-wide policy setting, use the /var/adm/sw/defaults files. Keep in mind, however, that users may override these options with their own $HOME/.swdefaults file, session files, or command line changes.

The template file /usr/lib/sw/sys.defaults provides an easy way to change system-wide or personal option files.

The template file lists (as comments):

  • All command options

  • The commands to which each option applies

  • Possible values for each option

  • The resulting system behavior for each value.

You can copy values from this file into the system defaults file (/var/adm/sw/defaults), your personal defaults file ($HOME/.swdefaults), or an input file (with the -X input_file option) and edit them to affect SD-UX behavior.

Option files use this syntax:


  • The optional command is the name of a SD-UX command. Specifying a command name changes the default behavior for that command only. A period must follow a command name.

  • option is the name of the default option. An equals sign must follow the option name.

  • value is one of the allowable values for that option.

NOTE: You must restart the SD-UX daemon after changing swagentd options, or the daemon will not recognize the changes. To restart the daemon, type:

/usr/sbin/swagentd -r


To change the default value of use_alternate_source to true for all users for all future sessions for all commands to which the option applies, place the following line in the /var/adm/sw/defaults file:


To change the default value of use_alternate_source to false for your own invocations of the command, place the following line in your $HOME/.swdefaults file:


To start an interactive swinstall session using the options stored in my_install_defaults to override any system-wide or personal defaults file values:

   swinstall -i -X my_install_defaults=true

To start an interactive install session and reset the use_alternate_source default for this session only:

   swinstall -i -x use_alternate_source

See Appendix A for a complete listing of defaults and their values and descriptions.

CAUTION: Changing the default values for command options can cause harmful results if you specify inappropriate values.

Session Files

Before any SD-UX task starts, the system automatically saves the current command options, source information, software selections, target selections, etc., into a session file. You can then re-use this session information at a later time, even if the command fails.

Session information is saved in the $HOME/.sw/sessions/ directory as command.last in which command is the name of the command. Each time you save a session file, it overwrites the previously stored one. (To save multiple session files, you can rename each session file after you invoke the command.)

To re-use the automatically saved session file, invoke the command with the -S swcommand.last argument. For example:

swinstall -S swinstall.last

If you want to save a session file to somewhere other than the default sessions directory, use the -C session_file argument and supply your own absolute path to the file you wish to save. If you do not specify a directory, the default location for the session file is $HOME/.sw/sessions/.

To re-execute a session from a command line, specify the session file as the argument for the -S session_file option.

Note that when you re-execute a session file, the session file values take precedence over values in the system defaults file or personal defaults file. Likewise, any command line options or parameters that you specify when you invoke the command take precedence over the values in the session file.

Here is a sample a session file. It uses the same syntax as the defaults files:

# swinstall session file # # Filename      /users/fred/.sw/sessions/swinstall.last # Date saved    05/26/01 15:59:41 MDT swinstall.allow_downdate = true swinstall.allow_incompatible = false swinstall.allow_multiple_versions = false swinstall.autoreboot = false swinstall.autorecover_product = false swinstall.compress_files = false swinstall.create_target_path = true ...

(A typical swinstall session file has approximately 70 lines.)

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