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HP Integrity Virtual Machines Version 4.0 Installation, Configuration, and Administration > Chapter 5 Creating Windows Guests

Installing Windows Guests


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To install the Windows guest operating system, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Windows guest. In the following example, the virtual machine name (guest name) is win1:

    # hpvmcreate -P win1 -O windows -c 1 -r 2G \ -a disk:scsi::disk:/dev/rdisk/disk0 \ -a dvd:scsi::disk:/dev/rdisk/disk2 \ -a network:lan::vswitch:switch1

    The hpvmcreate command creates the /var/opt/hpvm/guests/win1/ directory and creates the guest configuration in that directory.

  2. Boot the virtual machine to the EFI menu and take control of the virtual console by entering the following command:

    # hpvmconsole -P win1 -fi -c "pc -on" vMP MAIN MENU CO: Console CM: Command Menu CL: Console Log SL: Show Event Logs VM: Virtual Machine Menu HE: Main Help Menu X: Exit Connection [guest1] vMP> pc -on System will be powered on. -> System is being powered on. Please wait for the guest start sequence to complete. Use of the attention character can prevent the guest from running. (C) Copyright 2000 - 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Opening minor device and creating guest machine container Creation of VM, minor device 1 Allocating guest memory: 2048MB allocating low RAM (0-80000000, 2048MB) /opt/hpvm/lbin/hpvmapp (/var/opt/hpvm/uuids/682da886-06b2-11db-a3aa-00306e4a931c /vmm_config.current): Allocated 2147483648 bytes at 0x6000000100000000 allocating firmware RAM (ffaa0000-ffab5000, 84KB) /opt/hpvm/lbin/hpvmapp (/var/opt/hpvm/uuids/682da886-06b2-11db-a3aa-00306e4a931c /vmm_config.current): Allocated 86016 bytes at 0x6000000180000000 Loading boot image Image initial IP=102000 GP=62A000 Initialize guest memory mapping tables Starting event polling thread Starting thread initialization Daemonizing.... hpvmstart: Successful start initiation of guest 'win1' -> Command successful. [guest1] vMP> CO (Use Ctrl-B to return to vMP main menu.) Loading device drivers EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [14.62] [Build: Sun Jun 8 12:30:44 2008] Please select a boot option EFI Shell [Built-in] Boot option maintenance menu Use ^ and v to change option(s). Use Enter to select an option Boot option maintenance menu

  3. Typically, the EFI shell is automatically be selected upon startup. If not, choose EFI Shell [Built-in] from the menu.

    Loading.: EFI Shell [Built-in] EFI Shell version 1.10 [14.62] Device mapping table fs0 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0)/CDROM(Entry0) blk0 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0) blk1 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0) blk2 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0)/CDROM(Entry0) Shell>

  4. Connect to the CDROM file system (listed in the EFI output) by entering the name of the file system. For example:

    EFI Shell> fs0:

  5. Enter the ls command to make sure you are connected to the right device (look for the setupldr.efi file):

    fs0: ls

Now that the EFI is ready, you can install the Windows® operating system. The procedure for installing the operating system depends on the type of media you are installing from:

  • To install the Windows operating system from the reinstall kit (OPK), follow the instructions in Section .

  • To install from Microsoft media, follow the instructions in Section .

Installing from HP Reinstall (OPK) Media

  1. Start the operating system loader by entering the following command:

    fs0:\> setupldr

    The installation script runs. The SAC> prompt is displayed. When the EVENT message is displayed indicating that the cmd command is available, type cmd and press Enter.

    Starting BUILD ENT20K.US HP Re-install Environment. Please wait... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver... . . . SAC> EVENT: The CMD command is now available. SAC>cmd The Command Prompt session was successfully launched. SAC>

  2. In response to the following prompt, press the Esc-Tab keys. Then press Enter to change to the new command channel:

    Press <esc> <tab> for next channel. Press 0 to return to the SAC channel. Use any other key to view this channel. X:\ia64\system32>

  3. At the command prompt, type txtrestore and press Enter:

    X:\ia64\system32> txtrestore This is txtrestore.cmd Batch file Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790] (C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp. You are about to install Windows Server on the following drive: Drive 0: HP Virtual Disk SCSI Disk Device (36GB) Bus Number 0, Target ID 0, LUN 0 H Attached to SCSI Controller In Embedded Slot (PCI bus 0, device 0, function 0) Drive Layout: Partition table style is MBR Signature = 0C9C0C9C WARNING: If you continue with the installation, all data, including partition table information, on the above drive will be erased and permanently lost. Continue with installation (Y/N)? y
    Enter y to continue using the specified device. To use a different device, enter n.

  4. If you continue, the following information is displayed:

    Target drives set to default. TARGETHDD=0 TARGETPQI=1 ImageDrive=X: ImagePath=\Images ScriptDrive=X: ScriptPath=\IA64\ADDINS Support=X:\Supp IVPQET2373ALABA.PQI ================================================================= Note: <Ctrl/C> Will always exit. ========================== TASK MENU ============================ A - 16GB Drive Partition Size. B - 33GB Drive Partition size. C - Full Drive size. Q - Exit to console. ================================================================= Select a task by typing a letter A, B, C or Q and then press enter: WARNING, SELECTING A, B OR C WILL ERASE THE DATA ON BOOT DRIVE. Input : c
    Type your selection from the following list, and press Enter. HP recommends that you specify C.

    In response to the following prompt, enter y:

    WARNING, This could potentially wipe out important data! Recommended: Only the boot controller and hard drive be installed. Target Drive selected: Drive0 Target Partition Size Selected: Full Drive size Input [Y/N] : y

  5. Do not power off the system while the files are being copied to the hard drive. The restore process displays 99% complete for a long time. At the end of the successful process, the following message is displayed. Type Exit to reboot the system.

    Re-install Total Time: 23 minutes Re-Install Finished [OK]. To restart the system... Type [exit] to exit from command console. At the SAC console, type [restart]. X:\IMAGES> exit The Command Console session is exiting.

    If an error message is displayed, solve the problem that causes the error and restart the process.

    At the following prompt, press Esc-Tab keys to get the SAC> prompt.

    Restart the system by pressing Enter in response to the SAC> prompt:

    Press <esc> <tab> for next channel. Press 0 to return to the SAC channel. Use any other key to view this channel. SAC> Enter

  6. The virtual machine is restarted. When you are prompted for the boot option, press Enter to accept the Windows Server 2003 option.

    The SAC will become unavailable soon. The computer is shutting down. SAC> *** VM restarting *** Scsi(Pun1,Lun0) HP Virtual FileDVD 0.04 Scsi(Pun1,Lun0) HP Virtual FileDVD 0.04 ( 80 MBytes/sec) EFI version 1.10 [14.62] Build flags: Running on Intel(R) Itanium Processor EFI_DEBUG EFI IA-64 SDV/FDK (BIOS CallBacks) [Sun Jun 8 12:30:44 2008] - HP Cache Enabled. This image MainEntry is at address 0000000000102000 FPSWA.EFI preload successful. FPSWA.EFI start successful. Loading device drivers EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [14.62] [Build: Sun Jun 8 12:30:44 2008] Please select a boot option Windows Server 2003, Enterprise EFI Shell [Built-in] Boot option maintenance menu Use ^ and v to change option(s). Use Enter to select an option Default boot selection will be booted in 30 seconds Starting: Windows Server 2003, Enterprise ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Starting Windows...

  7. When the Windows SAC> prompt is followed by EVENT:, the CMD command is available. Press the Esc-Tab keys , then press Enter to go to the following command prompt:

    Computer is booting, SAC started and initialized. Use the "ch -?" command for information about using channels. Use the "?" command for general help. SAC>... EVENT: A new channel has been created. Use "ch -?" for channel help. Channel: Unattended Setup Channel SAC> EVENT: The CMD command is now available. SAC> SAC> END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR MICROSOFT SOFTWARE MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER 2003, STANDARD EDITION WITH SERVICE PACK 2 MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER 2003, ENTERPRISE EDITION WITH SERVICE PACK 2 IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This end user license agreement ('EULA') is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single legal entity) and the manufacturer ('Manufacturer') of the computer system ('Server') with which you acquired the Press F8 to accept or ESC to decline the EULA. Press PAGE DOWN for next page.

    To accept the EULA, press the Escape key, then 8, which emulates the F8 function key.

  8. In response to the following prompt, enter the product key, including the dashes:

    Type the Product Key below in the form XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX Product ID: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

    (The 25–character product key appears on the lower section of your Certificate of Authenticity.)

  9. At the following prompt, enter the administrator password and press Enter:

    Enter the password that will be used for the Administrator Account on this machine. This password must not be blank. Administrator Password:******* Please re-enter the Administrator password. Password Confirmation:******* Setup will now proceed in an automated fashion.

  10. Press Esc-Tab keys to cycle through screens until you see the one running the installation script. The system boots to the Windows operating system.

    To go back to the SAC> prompt, press Esc-Tab keys.

  11. Obtain the guest's IP address by entering the i command to the SAC> prompt.

    Use the Remote Desktop Connection from a PC to connect to that IP address and log in as Administrator. The Support Pack completes installation:

    Computer is booting, SAC started and initialized. Use the "ch -?" command for information about using channels. Use the "?" command for general help. SAC>... EVENT: The CMD command is now available. SAC>i Net: 2, Ip= Subnet= Gateway= SAC>

    NOTE: If the system displays System model could not be verified, simply acknowledge the dialog. When asked to confirm, select No and then reboot the virtual machine.
  12. From the Windows control panel, follow the initial system setup instructions from the platform user's guide. For example:

    1. Control Panel->System (Set Computer name)

    2. Control Panel->System->Advanced->Virtual Memory

  13. Reboot the virtual machine.

Installing from Windows Media

To install the Windows Enterprise operating system from Windows media, follow these steps:

  1. Allocate a virtual DVD to the virtual machine, as described in Chapter 3.

  2. Boot the virtual machine to the EFI menu and take control of the virtual console by entering the following command:

    # hpvmconsole -P win1 -i -c "pc -on" vMP MAIN MENU CO: Console CM: Command Menu CL: Console Log SL: Show Event Logs VM: Virtual Machine Menu HE: Main Help Menu X: Exit Connection [compass1] vMP> pc -on Please wait for the guest start sequence to complete. Use of the attention character can prevent the guest from running. (C) Copyright 2000 - 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Opening minor device and creating guest machine container Creation of VM, minor device 1 Allocating guest memory: 2048MB allocating low RAM (0-80000000, 2048MB) /opt/hpvm/lbin/hpvmapp (/var/opt/hpvm/uuids/682da886-06b2-11db-a3aa-00306e4a931c /vmm_config.current): Allocated 2147483648 bytes at 0x6000000100000000 allocating firmware RAM (ffaa0000-ffab5000, 84KB) /opt/hpvm/lbin/hpvmapp (/var/opt/hpvm/uuids/682da886-06b2-11db-a3aa-00306e4a931c /vmm_config.current): Allocated 86016 bytes at 0x6000000180000000 Loading boot image Image initial IP=102000 GP=62A000 Initialize guest memory mapping tables Starting event polling thread Starting thread initialization Daemonizing.... hpvmstart: Successful start initiation of guest 'win1' -> Command successful. [guest1] vMP>
  3. From the EFI shell, enter the map command:

    Shell> map Device mapping table fs0 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0)/CDROM(Entry0) blk0 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0) blk1 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0) blk2 : Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(0|0)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0)/CDROM(Entry0) Shell>
  4. Enter the file system entry for the DVD. For example:

    Shell> fs0: Fs0:
  5. Enter the setupldr command:

    fs0:> setupldr

    The Windows Setup Begins... screen is displayed. The status bar shows the following:

    Setup is loading files (Windows Executive)...
  6. On following page, continue by pressing Enter:

  7. When prompted whether to use Express Setup or Custom Setup, select Express Setup. Do not select Custom Setup as its functionality is not yet supported on virtual machines.

  8. Enter and confirm an Administrator password:

  9. Accept the Windows license by pressing Esc-8, which emulates F8.

  10. Select the partition in which to install Windows:

    If the disk you are installing to has been cleaned as described in Section , two partitions (EFI and Reserved) are automatically created. The remainder of the disk is unpartitioned space. Select the unpartitioned space using the down arrow. Create a new partitiion by entering C.

    If the disk was not cleaned in preparation for this procedure, a list of the current partitions is displayed. using the down arrow, select the existing NTFS partition. Enter D to delete it, and then enter L to confirm, and press Enter. Create a new partition by entering C.

  11. Select the new (raw) partition to which to install Windows:

    Choose an NTFS partition. If there is no NTFS partition, format one. The partition is formatted, the files are copied, and the system reboots.

  12. Start the Windows installation. In response to the SAC> prompt, press Esc-Tab

    SAC>...Esc-Tab Setup is being restarted................. EVENT: A new channel has been created. Use "ch -?" for channel help. Channel: Unattended Setup Channel SAC> EVENT: The CMD command is now available

    The following message is displayed:

    Name: Unattended Setup Channel Description: . . . Press Esc-Tab for next channel. Press 0 to return to the SAC channel. Use any other key to view this channel.

    Press Enter to accept the Unattended Setup Channel.

  13. In response to the following prompt, enter the 25-character product key.


    Setup proceeds automatically. To monitor the installation, enter Esc-Tab.

    The setup process can take several minutes to complete.

  14. When the Windows operating system is installed, Windows reboots and displays the SAC> prompt:

    SAC> EVENT: The CMD command is now available.
  15. By default, the machine name is set to a temporary name, and the network defaults to DHCP. To check this information, enter the id and i commands in response to the SAC> prompt:

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