The CDDI/FDDI C1400 Concentrator Installation and Configuration Guide will help you install, configure, and manage the CDDI/FDDI C1400 Concentrator. It also covers selected maintenance procedures.
People using this guide should be familiar with electronic circuitry and wiring practices, and have experience as electronic or electromechanical technicians. Users of this guide may also include network administrators and other people responsible for setting up and maintaining CDDI/FDDI C1400 Concentrators.
Following are the chapters and appendixes included in this publication:
- Chapter 1, "Product Overview," provides a description of the concentrator, line cards, and CDDI-FDDI translator, and contains detailed technical specifications.
- Chapter 2, "Preparing for Installation," includes safety recommendations, site requirements, and cabling requirements, and lists the tools and materials needed for installation.
- Chapter 3, "Hardware Installation," gives an installation overview and provides instructions for rack-mount and desktop installation.
- Chapter 4, "Connecting to the Network," explains how to connect the concentrator to your network in various configurations.
- Chapter 5, "Configuring the System Software," discusses the configurable software parameters, IP addressing, and testing.
- Chapter 6, "Troubleshooting," includes basic troubleshooting information if you have problems installing or maintaining the concentrator.
- Appendix A, "Command Reference," lists all admin. interface commands, syntax, and default values.
- Appendix B, "Updating Software," describes procedures to update software on the concentrator using Kermit or downloading from the network.
- Appendix C, "Installing and Removing Line Cards," includes procedures for installing and removing concentrator line cards.
- Appendix D, "Cabling Specifications," contains pinout information for the concentrator and adapter ports, admin. interface port, and the optical bypass switch connector.
- Appendix E, "Translated Safety Warnings," provides foreign language translations of each safety warning that appears in this guide.
This publication uses the following conventions to convey instructions and information:
Command descriptions use these conventions:
- Commands and keywords are in boldface font.
- Arguments for which you supply values are shown in angle brackets (< >).
- Elements in square brackets ([ ]) are optional.
- Alternative or optional keywords are grouped in square brackets ([ ]) and separated by a vertical bar ( | ).
Examples use these conventions:
- Terminal sessions and system displays are in
- Information you enter is in
boldface screen
font in example displays and bold font in text.
Notes, cautions, and warnings use the following conventions and symbols:
Note Means
reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual.
 | Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data. |
 | Warning Means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and standard practices for preventing accidents. To see translated versions of this warning, refer to the appendix "Translated Safety Warnings." |