
Table of Contents

Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager V1.2 - Engineering Release Note

Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager V1.2 - Engineering Release Note

November 19, 1999

Revision Date Author Comments

Issue 1

10th September, 1999

Jenny Smith

First issue

Issue 2

19th November, 1999

Jenny Smith

Second issue

1. Contents

These release notes provide the following information:

2. Scope and Purpose

This document forms the release notes for the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager V1.2 Release (Part Number 030-005802-011). In accordance with the Atlantech TickIT Quality Procedure QR511 it describes the following :

2.1 Intended Audience

This document is intended for reading by personnel of Atlantech Technologies Ltd.

3. Configuration Management

3.1 Platform Build

The Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager V1.2 software release is built from the following components:

3.2 SCM Packages

The Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager V1.2 software consists of the following packages :

3.3 AVMT Package

The packages which the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager V1.2 software release depends on are as follows :

3.4 AV Dependancies

The Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager V1.2 Software has been tested against and is therefore compatible with the `Access Vision V2.1.4' package and the Access Vision `Patch AV2.1.4 Patch 1'.

The installation mechanism will prevent the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager V1.2 being installed on any release of Access Vision prior to `Access Vision 2.1.4). However, the installation mechanism will not prevent the installation of the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager V1.2 on any release of Access Vision made after Access Vision 2.1.4.

The Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager V1.2 has not be fully tested with any release of Access Vision made after Access Vision 2.1.4.

4. IOS Version Compatibility

The Cisco 6400 Service Conntection Manager has been tested with the following IOS versions:

Engineering Testing:

System Testing:

5. Changes Since Last Release

The following describes the changes made since the V1.1 release of the 6400 SCM :

6. Known Defects

6.1 Published SCM Defects

The following list represents the known published defects associated with the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager Component of this release :


chassis change trap

chassis fail trap

exiting the errored state

Workaround is to set the NRP IP Address to the correct value using the NRP Management Dialog.

6.2 Unpublished Defects V1.2

The following list represents the known unpublished defects associated with the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager Component of this :

6.3 Unpublished Defects V1.1

The following list represents the known unpublished defects associated with the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager Component of the V1.1 release :

6.4 Unpublished Defects V1.0.1

The following list represents the known unpublished defects associated with the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager Component of release V1.0.1 :

6.5 6400 Defects

The following list represents the known defects with the Cisco 6400 UAC itself which have knock on effects in the 6400 SCM Software :

7. Controlled Documents

The following documents are related to this release :

Posted: Tue Dec 21 11:31:25 PST 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.